Creating Schemas 🔒

Creating schemas is a two-step process. First, you must create the namespace which a schema will live under. A namespace contains a set of schemas that describe something in the same domain. For example the the namespace will contain the Boxer, Gloves, HairStyle and HairDye schemas for The Next Legends.

Schema creation flow

We are creating a front-end experience to make this a lot easier instead of going through and making API calls.

Create Namespace 🔒

A namespace can only be created if the namespace owner has been whitelisted under a domain.

This functionality is in development. In the meantime, please ask the Asset Register team for access to a namespace.

Create Schema 🔒

A valid SIWE token with a signature must be set as the Authorisation Header.

mutation CreateSchema($input: CreateSchemaInput!) {
  createSchema(input: $input) {
    ... on CreateSchemaSuccess {
    ... on CreateSchemaFailure {
      errors {
  "input": {
    "id": "9ad55aa3-6870-4133-8433-285e6a648790",
    "namespace": "",
    "schema": "@prefix sh: <> .@prefix schema: <> .@prefix fvp: <> .@prefix rdf: <> .@prefix xml: <> .    fvp:Asset a rdf:Class, sh:NodeShape ;  sh:property [    sh:datatype xml:string ;    sh:maxCount 1 ;    sh:minCount 1 ;    sh:path fvp:id ;  ] .",
    "version": 1

Create a new Schema Version 🔒

When you create a new schema under a pre-existing schema entity it will create a new version.

To create a schema it is the same as above. Ensure that the version is incremented by 1 otherwise, it will fail.

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